Care Instructions for Trees

Care Instructions for Trees

Care Instructions for Trees

luxury landscape design, upscale landscaping, high-end landscape services, exclusive landscape design, premier landscaping, luxury gardens, custom landscape architecture, elite landscape design, luxury outdoor spaces, top-tier landscaping, luxury landscape solutions, bespoke landscape design, opulent landscaping, luxury garden design, exclusive garden landscapes, premium landscape architecture, luxury outdoor design, high-end garden design, luxury lawn care, luxury outdoor living, landscape excellence, luxury yard design, elite garden services, top landscaping, luxury backyard design, upscale garden design, landscape professionals, bespoke landscaping, luxury garden features, luxury outdoor decor, garden experts, exclusive yard design, luxury patios, top-tier landscape services, luxury landscape architecture, custom garden design, luxury garden services, premier outdoor design, high-end garden services, custom landscapes, luxury outdoor solutions, elite landscaping, upscale garden services, luxury hardscape design, luxury outdoor architecture, luxury planting design, bespoke garden solutions, premier landscape architects, top garden design, luxury yard design, exclusive garden design, luxury garden maintenance, high-end landscape solutions, custom outdoor design, luxury garden architecture, elite outdoor spaces, luxury planting, custom yard design, luxury garden decor, premier landscaping services, upscale outdoor design, luxury garden landscapes, luxury outdoor features, bespoke yard design, luxury patio design, top garden services, elite garden design, high-end garden maintenance, custom landscaping services, luxury outdoor living spaces, premier garden design, bespoke landscape architecture, luxury garden solutions, upscale yard services, luxury landscape maintenance, custom garden services, luxury outdoor environments, high-end landscape design, elite outdoor design, premier landscape solutions, luxury garden architects, custom yard services, luxury planting services, top landscaping services, bespoke garden design, exclusive landscape services, luxury yard care, high-end garden architecture, custom outdoor services, luxury garden architecture, premier garden services, bespoke outdoor design, luxury lawn services, luxury landscape architects, exclusive garden services, luxury garden planners, high-end landscape architecture, custom outdoor spaces, premier yard services, bespoke landscaping services, luxury outdoor design, elite landscape architects, high-end yard design, custom garden architecture, bespoke garden maintenance, luxury outdoor planners, premier outdoor services, luxury yard architecture, high-end outdoor spaces, custom planting design, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden maintenance, top landscape architects, exclusive yard services, luxury outdoor maintenance, premier garden architects, bespoke yard planners, luxury planting architecture, top yard services, high-end landscape planners, custom outdoor maintenance, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden architecture, premier outdoor architects, high-end yard planners, custom outdoor care, luxury garden features, bespoke yard architects, luxury planting planners, premier landscape planners, high-end garden planners, custom garden spaces, luxury yard planners, bespoke outdoor architects, luxury garden maintenance, top outdoor architects, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, bespoke garden spaces, luxury planting planners, top yard planners, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor architects, luxury garden care, bespoke yard spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor spaces, high-end garden architects, custom landscape spaces, bespoke outdoor planners, luxury garden care, top yard spaces, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden maintenance, bespoke garden care, luxury garden architects, top outdoor planners, high-end yard spaces, custom planting spaces, luxury garden spaces, bespoke yard care, luxury garden planners, top landscape planners, high-end garden spaces, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top outdoor planners, high-end garden architects, custom yard planners, luxury garden features, bespoke outdoor spaces, luxury garden planners, top yard architects, high-end garden planners, custom landscape planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden spaces, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden architects, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden care, luxury garden planners, top outdoor architects, high-end yard planners, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard architects, custom garden spaces, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard architects, high-end garden spaces, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke outdoor planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top landscape planners, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top outdoor planners, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard planners, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard architects, high-end garden spaces, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden planners, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden spaces, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke outdoor planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top landscape planners, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top outdoor planners, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard planners, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard architects, high-end garden spaces, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke outdoor planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top landscape planners, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top outdoor planners, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard planners, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard architects, high-end garden spaces, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden planners, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden spaces, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke outdoor planners, luxury garden care, top yard planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden spaces, luxury garden planners, top landscape planners, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden care, top outdoor planners, high-end yard architects, custom landscape planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top outdoor planners, high-end garden spaces, custom planting planners, luxury garden care, bespoke garden planners, luxury garden architects, top outdoor spaces, high-end yard planners, custom landscape planners, luxury garden architecture, bespoke yard planners, luxury garden planners, top landscape architects, high-end garden planners, custom outdoor planners, luxury garden spaces, bespoke garden planners, luxury outdoor furniture, upscale garden lighting, premium outdoor kitchens, custom water features, elite garden sculptures, luxury pergola design, high-end garden ponds, exclusive outdoor fire pits, bespoke outdoor kitchens, luxury tree planting, custom garden lighting, premier garden water features, luxury pool landscaping, upscale garden walkways, exclusive garden sculptures, bespoke garden trellises, luxury landscape lighting, elite garden fountains, top-tier outdoor kitchens, custom garden structures, luxury driveway landscaping, high-end garden paths, bespoke outdoor lighting, luxury garden walkways, premier garden furniture, exclusive outdoor lighting, bespoke garden pergolas, luxury outdoor art, custom garden sculptures, high-end garden lighting, premier landscape lighting, luxury garden furniture design, bespoke garden arches, top-tier garden lighting, luxury outdoor seating, high-end garden architecture, bespoke garden pools, luxury garden water features, premier outdoor sculptures, exclusive outdoor seating, luxury garden gates, high-end outdoor furniture, bespoke garden fountains, premier garden walkways, luxury garden bridges, upscale garden pools, custom garden gates, bespoke garden lighting, luxury garden ponds, premier outdoor art, bespoke outdoor walkways, luxury garden structures, high-end garden furniture, custom garden seating, bespoke garden paths, luxury garden walls, premier garden lighting, exclusive outdoor benches, high-end garden furniture design, bespoke outdoor furniture, luxury garden kitchens, top-tier garden architecture, custom garden fountains, bespoke garden benches, luxury outdoor fireplaces, premier garden structures, exclusive garden walls, bespoke garden kitchens, luxury outdoor gazebos, high-end garden bridges, custom garden pools, bespoke garden patios, luxury garden arches, premier garden kitchens, high-end outdoor lighting, bespoke outdoor kitchens, luxury garden walkways design, custom garden art, exclusive garden paths, bespoke garden art, luxury garden paths design, premier garden gazebos, custom garden pergolas, bespoke garden furniture, luxury garden art, high-end garden sculptures, custom outdoor patios, bespoke outdoor paths, luxury garden fountains, premier garden patios, bespoke garden furniture design, luxury garden seating, high-end outdoor benches, custom garden lighting design, bespoke outdoor benches, luxury garden art design, premier garden seating, exclusive garden lighting, bespoke garden fireplaces, luxury garden fountains design, high-end garden benches, custom garden furniture design, bespoke garden sculptures, luxury garden paths, premier outdoor paths, exclusive garden seating, bespoke garden walkways, luxury garden art sculptures, high-end outdoor sculptures, custom garden benches, bespoke garden seating, luxury garden benches, premier garden fireplaces, exclusive garden gates, bespoke garden bridges, luxury outdoor art design, custom garden furniture, bespoke garden structures, luxury garden sculptures design, premier outdoor fireplaces, exclusive garden patios, bespoke garden arches design, luxury garden fire pits, custom garden gates design, bespoke garden fountains design, luxury garden ponds design, premier garden benches, exclusive garden furniture, bespoke garden gazebos, luxury garden walls design, custom garden fireplaces, bespoke garden pergolas design, luxury outdoor paths design, high-end garden kitchens, custom garden patios design, bespoke garden paths design, luxury garden art features, premier outdoor kitchens, bespoke garden art design, luxury garden art features design, exclusive garden benches, bespoke garden bridges design, luxury garden kitchens design, custom garden sculptures design, bespoke garden furniture design, luxury garden water features design, high-end garden art, custom garden walkways design, bespoke garden seating design, luxury garden fireplaces design, premier garden walls, exclusive garden sculptures design, bespoke garden structures design, luxury garden gazebos, high-end garden structures, custom garden arches design, bespoke garden walkways design, luxury garden paths features, premier garden furniture design, exclusive garden water features, bespoke garden paths features, luxury garden water features, custom garden benches design, bespoke garden art features, luxury garden benches design, premier garden sculptures, bespoke garden art features design, luxury garden walkways features, exclusive garden gates design, bespoke garden water features design, luxury garden art structures, custom garden sculptures features, bespoke garden furniture features, luxury garden gates design, premier garden water features, bespoke garden seating features, luxury garden walkways structures, high-end garden patios, custom garden art features, bespoke garden benches design, luxury garden furniture features, premier garden arches, bespoke garden structures features, luxury garden art features structures, exclusive garden water features design, bespoke garden sculptures features, luxury garden sculptures features, custom garden gates features, bespoke garden walkways features, luxury garden sculptures structures, premier garden furniture features, bespoke garden seating structures, luxury garden art design structures, high-end garden fire pits, custom garden structures features, bespoke garden arches features, luxury garden art sculptures features, premier garden walkways design, bespoke garden bridges features, luxury garden seating structures, custom garden lighting features, bespoke garden fire pits, luxury garden art sculptures design, premier garden sculptures features, bespoke garden pergolas features, luxury garden furniture structures, custom garden patios features, bespoke garden gazebos design, luxury garden seating features, high-end garden pergolas, custom garden fire pits, bespoke garden water features structures, luxury garden sculptures design structures, premier garden seating design, bespoke garden structures design, luxury garden fire pits structures, custom garden water features, bespoke garden fire pits design, luxury garden benches features, premier garden structures features, bespoke garden art structures design, luxury garden patios features, high-end garden water features, custom garden water features design, bespoke garden arches features design, luxury garden furniture design structures, premier garden water features design, bespoke garden art sculptures design, luxury garden lighting features, exclusive garden fire pits, bespoke garden art sculptures features, luxury garden lighting structures, custom garden art sculptures features, bespoke garden sculptures design features, luxury garden art sculptures features design, high-end garden lighting features, custom garden art sculptures design, bespoke garden fire pits structures, luxury garden art structures features, custom garden fire pits design, bespoke garden art sculptures design features, luxury garden art sculptures design structures, high-end garden water features design, custom garden fire pits features, bespoke garden lighting design, luxury garden lighting design features, premier garden fire pits, bespoke garden art structures features, luxury garden lighting design structures, custom garden fire pits design features, bespoke garden sculptures design structures, luxury garden sculptures features design, high-end garden lighting design, custom garden lighting design features, bespoke garden sculptures structures features, luxury garden lighting design structures features, premier garden sculptures design, bespoke garden lighting structures features, luxury garden water features design features, custom garden lighting features design, bespoke garden lighting structures design, luxury garden lighting structures features design, high-end garden lighting structures, custom garden lighting structures features, bespoke garden lighting features design, luxury garden lighting design structures features design, premier garden lighting design, bespoke garden lighting structures design features, luxury garden lighting structures features design features.

Trees are truly the backbone of the landscape.  They provide much-needed shade, refuge for wildlife, and so much more.  Trees which are well planted and well cared-for in their early years may live for hundreds of years for countless generations to enjoy.  How a newly planted tree is cared for in its first few seasons of growth is crucial.  Both deciduous trees (shade trees and ornamentals) and evergreens (pines, spruces) have similar care requirements.



  • Slightly moist, well-drained soil is preferable.  Because of their great size and extensive root systems, most trees can adapt to less than ideal soil conditions. 
  • Applying a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the tree greatly improves the moisture retention of the soil, adds organic matter as it decomposes, and protects the trunk from lawn mower or trimmer damage.


  • Keeping a new tree watered during its first summer is critical.  Trees should receive a deep watering, by hand, 2-3 times/week during extreme heat and drought. It is very important that trees are watered deeply. Sprinkler coverage is not sufficient for newly planted trees.  Deep watering encourages the roots to become strong and extensive. 
  • In the spring and fall water 1-2 times/week if there is not adequate rainfall, and continue to water until frost.
  • New trees will need occasional watering during a very dry winter as well.



Only corrective pruning should be done to new trees. Remove any dead or crossing branches, which will interfere with the tree’s structure.  As many branches as possible should be left intact.  Consult with an arborist before pruning large, well-established trees.  



Fertilization at planting time is not necessary.  In subsequent years, fertilizer can be applied either at the soil surface or through root feeders, which penetrate into the ground to feed the roots directly.



IT IS CRITICAL THAT ANY TWINE LEFT TIED AROUND THE ROOTBALL OR TRUNK IS CUT AND UNTIED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF PLANTING.  Burlap and twine are purposely left intact at the time of planting to hold the rootball together, however, twine decomposes very slowly and will severely inhibit growth if not eventually removed.  Any stakes or other material wrapped around the trunk should be removed within one year as well.  


Plant Care Guidelines